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The resort by Sarah Goodwin

Sarah Goodwin is back on track again after veering off her usual stile with the 13th girl. Like stranded, we’re immediately put transported to a claustrophobic space where the plot unfolds. 

Mila and her husband are going to her sisters wedding. When they’re nearly there, their rented car breaks down and they find themselves in an abounded little place. It’s cold and they have no cell reception. When Mila wakes up, her husband has vanished into thin air. From now on, she has to do everything to stay alive.

The book alternates between mila’s past and the now. Her upbringing with her sister is described, and we realize there is a rift between them that Mila is desperate to mend. The reader is taken to her past right after something new has happened that leaves us wanting more. What is really going on? Why are there no footprints and who is watching her? The paranoia seeps into the pages until you feel tainted by it. Mila constantly has to think on her feet, despite being in pain from her leg being injured and having no one to help her. You can feel her strength dwindling and want to shout: Don’t give up yet! There might be a way out. 

Goodwin manages to not overwhelm the reader by too much happening at once. It makes it easier to wonder what might be happening. When Mila gets her lightbulb moment I was so surprised and felt that satisfying rush when it all made sense. 

To sum up my thoughts; it was engaging, clever and atmospheric.

Thank you to netgally and Avon books uk for the arc 


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